Monday, August 10, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up: A Few Days Late

My weekend was too busy for me to sit down and write the wrap-up on Friday, so here it is now! As per our slow start-up into school, we spent 3 days, Monday through Wednesday, on school lessons. Wednesday night Lucy spent the night at her cousins' house, and played there all day on Thursday. It's cute how much Matthew misses his big sister when she's gone. I guess I'm not as much fun to play with!

I spent Thursday and Friday packing for our weekend camping trip. It's amazing how much stuff I had to pack for a 2 night camping trip! And Matthew didn't even come with us. I guess the problem is that you have to bring everything, since there's nothing there waiting for you but a spot of grass and some trees. Thankfully, the internet had some good ideas about what I should pack. There's a good packing list here. We were supposed to arrive at our campground on Friday evening, but it was pouring rain and storming. We'd planned on dropping Matthew off at my parent's house for the weekend, but we all ended up staying there Friday night, and we headed to the campsite Saturday. So just one night of camping for all that packing, but we had a wonderful time with our friends we met there. Lucy even made it on a 2.2 mile hike that was mostly uphill.

So now we're home, having 3 days of school again, and preparing for guests this weekend. It's challenging starting school back up, when everyone else is still on summer vacation!

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