Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Homeschool Memoirs #11: Field-trips

Here's the homeschool memoirs theme for this week, from The Homeschool Post: "This week I’d like to invite you to share your favorite field trip that you’ve been able to go on since you’ve started homeschool. I’d encourage you to include photos, but you don’t have to."

By far my favorite field trip was the 10 day trip Lucy and I took to South Dakota this summer. See my South Dakota trip post to read more about our trip and see some pictures.

Some other great field trips we've done include The Field Museum in Chicago and Chicago's Millenium Park, the South Bend Zoo, The Curious Kids' Museum, and the Morton Arboretum.

Above, Lucy poses with "Sue" at the Field Museum.


Renee said...

Wow- great vacation/learning trip! I love Little House on the Prarie. Wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing.


Sarah at SmallWorld said...

I very much regret that we didn't go to South Dakota during the 5 years we lived in Iowa. How silly of us! At the time, 8-10 hours seemed so far away, but now the drive seems ridiculously short compared to what it would be for us from TN!